
This is Eternal Life

Jesus said, “This is Eternal Life, that they might Know You the Only True God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent." John 17v3. The Greatest thing in this life is KNOWING GOD! There is Nothing Greater!

You were created to Know God, that was God’s plan! Our Salvation is not just an entrance ticket to heaven, or an insurance policy against hell. God had a far greater plan. When He first created man in the beginning, they both went for a walk, man was getting to know the Almighty God. After sin had so abruptly interrupted that beautiful communion of man and his creator, God had a master plan ready; He would send His Only Son to provide a great Salvation to restore that communion between us and God, so that we could get to know God in a deep relationship.

Every day we draw near to God, talk to Him, listen to His voice, commune with Him, enjoy His presence. This is why God created us — to know and love Him! Not just to know the Bible, but to know God as a person fully revealed to us in His son, our Lord Jesus Christ! In Col. 1v10 Paul prayed that “we may increase in our knowledge of God!" Our greatest desire should be "Oh that I might know you more!" Phil. 3v10. Daniel said, “The people that know their God shall be strong and do exploits." (Dan. 11v32 KJV).

-Pastor John Morgan