
Our History & Now

Our History & Now

Bethel was founded in Royston in 1924. Several people in the town had become dissatisfied with the dry religion that they were experiencing at the time. They decided to seek God in prayer in order to find answers to why they were not enjoying the same life and power of the Christians described in the Bible.

They soon experienced the power of God and discovered that He was just as real today as in biblical times and that the Holy Spirit promised by Jesus was just as active today as He was then.

They founded Bethel Church (which means ‘God’s House’), with the purpose of allowing people to study the Bible for themselves and to experience the Power of God without being restricted by unnecessary religious formality.

Over the past ninety years many thousands of people have attended the church. Hundreds of internationally respected preachers have ministered at Bethel during this time and it has become a small town church that is known all over the nation. Several other churches have also been planted from Royston into the surrounding villages.

Since the last century Bethel Church has also grown and influenced many parts of the world. It is a ‘Pentecostal’ church, which are some of the largest and fastest growing types of Christian churches in the world.

Today Bethel is at the heart of the local community, serving in many areas. It is also Global in its outlook, supporting projects throughout the world.

You will find that the present church exists for exactly the same purpose as it did in the beginning. To allow people to know and experience the love of God in all its fullness, as taught in the Bible.

The meetings at Bethel are informal and charismatic in style and open to all. Please feel free to visit or contact the church for further information.